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Created from plant-based materials and refined with a clean, low-waste process, renewable fuel offers more than its fair share of advantages over alternative fuel sources. In fact, renewable fuel has the lowest carbon footprint of any diesel alternative. But why is renewable fuel a top choice for a healthier planet? Consider these three simple reasons.

  1. Renewable fuel helps minimize greenhouse gas emissions.

Greenhouse gas emissions are arguably the most well-known downside to the use of petroleum fuels, as they’ve been proven to contribute to the pressing issue of global warming. Fortunately, that’s one area where renewable fuel clearly excels. In its purest form, renewable fuel has been proven to slash carbon dioxide emissions by as much as 74% in comparison to petroleum diesel.

  1. It’s recyclable, renewable and safe to make.

Accessing the world’s petroleum reserves involves the dangerous process of drilling into the earth’s crust, which can lead to a range of negative effects, from air pollution to disastrous spills. Renewable fuel, on the other hand, is primarily made through the refinement of vegetable oils and similar materials. Neste makes their renewable fuel out of recycled vegetable oils, further reducing the carbon footprint of the fuel.

  1. Renewable fuel is less toxic in the event of a spill.

Oil spills are known to be catastrophic, killing off marine life and jarring the local ecosystem for years on end. And while renewable fuel spills should also be avoided with the utmost care, the plant-based material is less toxic than table salt.

Reach Out to Learn More

Beyond delivering an environmentally conscious alternative to petroleum fuels, renewable fuel features a range of additional advantages, from increased fuel lubricity to stimulating local economies. Interested in digging deeper into all that renewable fuel has to offer? Contact SeQuential today for more information on renewable fuel benefits and explore our fuel map to see where you can find renewable fuel for your diesel vehicle.

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