What would you say if the vegetable oil your fast-food French fries were cooked in could fuel your car? At the SeQuential production plant in Salem, Oregon, turning used fry oil into environmentally friendly renewable fuel is what we do every day. Here’s how we give used fats, oil and grease (FOG) a second life.
Step 1: Collection
Across the West Coast, SeQuential collects and recycles FOG from thousands of partners, including fast-food joints, restaurants, universities, grocery stores and food processors, as well as home chefs. We provide these commercial establishments with a cooking oil collection container, and pick it up on a regular schedule at no cost. Home cooks can also recycle their FOG at one of our convenient oil drop-off locations.
Step 2: Refinement
After we collect used cooking oil, fats and grease from local restaurants and businesses, it’s transported to our Neste’s production plant. Using their proven and certified process, the FOG we collected is transformed into sustainable renewable fuel.
Step 3: Refueling
After leaving the refinery, the renewable fuel is transported to refueling stations and other retail stations that sell renewable fuel. It’s also distributed directly to truck fleets to support our local economy. Our bioproducts, on the other hand, are sold back to our community. Glycerin, boiler fuel and salt cake are often used in industrial, manufacturing and residential applications.
Impact of Our Process
Although used cooking oil can be disposed of in a variety of ways, SeQuential believes that this valuable commodity is essential for creating the fuel of the future. Besides saving FOG from the landfill, our unique process creates biofuel that produces 76% fewer greenhouse gas emissions than petroleum diesel. Plus, since we source our FOG locally, we’re proud to have the lowest carbon footprint of any diesel alternative in the region.
Choose Renewable Fuel
Whether you’re looking to recycle used cooking oil or purchase renewable fuel for your fleet, turn to SeQuential. To learn more about our products and services, contact us today.